A Thousand Years

I had the awesome privilege of putting together another music video for VeeRonna Ragone of VHarp. She is an amazing wedding harpist working in the Los Angeles area. Sometimes she makes trips out to Arizona and graces us with her amazing talent, especially when one of her nephews get married!

We were lucky enough to have VeeRonna play for us at our Arizona wedding reception almost SIX years ago. Justin's older brother recently married his sweet, beautiful Hannah and they are the stars of this piece. You can check out their wedding highlight on our home page if you are as much in love with their venue, decor, and selves  as I am! 

After finishing this edit I just can't get the song out of my head! When it first came out, I remember humming it to Justin and hoping he'd get all teary eyed about our ever blossoming love and break out into some kind of romantic soliloquy...he's not quite that sentimental. But in time I found someone else for whom the lyrics seemed to speak. 

Have you ever sung this song to one of your kids? Do it you'll bawl your eyes out. Or maybe that's just me. I personally believe that our sweet babies are aware of us long before they're born. I feel like Henry was sent here to me and I really have loved him for 1000 years. I can't wait to meet this next baby and know that love all over again.